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This website is run by Bridget Supple an antenatal educator of over 20 years. Bridget works in Parent Education at a major maternity hospital, teaches for the the parenting charity NCT, for the charity Birth Companions and on the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education amongst other things.

Bridget is an award winning antenatal teacher and TEDx speaker who  runs workshops and lectures nationally and internationally on the microbiome, brain development, pregnancy and the perinatal period. She is the author of the highly acclaimed "The Birthkeeper of Bethlehem" available worldwide. 

Her eldest child was born by emergency caesarean and is the only one of her four children to have life threatening allergies and severe asthma and while understanding that one example does not make a case, SO much evidence suggests that disruptions to the transmission of bacteria in early life increases the risk of those conditions.

As a result of his conditions, Bridget has been driven to share the latest evidence and work tirelessly to try to prevent other children having to live with such difficult and life threatening illnesses. Some babies absolutely need to be born by caesarean, this is not to alarm or make anyone feel bad, but to help every baby get the best bacterial start however they are born. 

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"By taking steps to protect the establishment of the microbiome in early life, we can help protect the long term health of every child”  

Bridget Supple (Founder Your Baby’s Biome)

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This website is a labour of love to help give every baby a better start. 
If you’ve gained something from reading this please consider buying me a coffee, it all helps!
Thank you! ❤️

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This site is not a medical site and content is for information only. It should not be taken as medical advice. Always discuss your personal situation with your healthcare provider. 

©2020 by Your Baby's Biome.

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